This Alice In Wonderland Wedding Had Pics Taken Only By Friends

The unlikely duo behind the venture consists of Tin and Iñigo. The meeting of minds took place on November 16th, 2019, at Café Oley in Quezon City, Philippines.

Our wedding at a glance:

Our wedding at a glance:
Our wedding at a glance:

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Our wedding at a glance:

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Our wedding at a glance:

It’s a funny thing, but my husband and I never had a traditional courtship. In 2010, he saw me perform with my band on stage and told his friend that I looked ’90s hot. A year later, we got together and decided to merge our lives almost immediately. We spent eight years living together before deciding to take the plunge and get married. Looking back, it’s clear that our relationship has always been a bit unconventional. But we make it work.

For instance, when I was 43 and my husband was 40, we finally decided to tie the knot. So, while things may have seemed rushed in hindsight, they also felt deliberate and thoughtful. One of the things that drew us together is our shared love of fandoms. I’ve been obsessed with Alice in Wonderland since childhood, and it’s never really left me as an adult. My husband, on the other hand, is a die-hard Star Wars fan.

But what I loved about him was his willingness to understand and appreciate my passions. During our early days together, he surprised me by gifting me nearly all of the Alice in Wonderland figures for my growing collection. As we started planning our wedding, it was clear that we wanted to incorporate elements of Wonderland into the ceremony and reception.

My husband fully embraced the theme, and the result was a vintage tropical dream come true, set in an intimate neighborhood café that we’d stumbled upon by accident. It was like stepping down the rabbit hole, just as Alice did. We didn’t have an official wedding photographer – instead, our guests took pictures and used our hashtag #whiterabbitwedding! So, please excuse any amateurish quality to the photos. I still want to share our special day with you.

Tell us about the ceremony:

Tell us about the ceremony:

As we exchanged our vows, we chose a non-religious ceremony that reflected the unique bond between us. Although we were both baptized in the Catholic church, our decision was guided by our desire to celebrate our love in a way that felt authentic to us. Initially, we had planned for our beloved cat Ernie to be our ring bearer, but sadly, he passed away just two weeks before our wedding day.

In his place, my vows celebrated our shared felines, Himas and Ernie, who played a significant role in defining the tone of our relationship.

I met Ernie through Iñigo, and my first impression was shaped by his proud presentation of a small dead mouse. It was as if he’d declared me worthy of acceptance by sharing this unusual gift. This experience taught me that our cats were more than just pets – they were a symbol of our relationship’s resilience and capacity to overcome challenges.

As we navigate life together, I envision our relationship as a Wonderland of endless discovery and adventure. We’ve already faced the trials and tribulations of caring for our feline friends through illness and recovery. Through these experiences, we’ve grown stronger and more compassionate towards each other. Now, I’m excited to see what wonders this new chapter holds – and how we can continue to grow together.

Tell us about the reception:

Tell us about the reception:
Tell us about the reception:

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Tell us about the reception:

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Tell us about the reception:

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Tell us about the reception:

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Tell us about the reception:
Tell us about the reception:
Tell us about the reception:
Tell us about the reception:
Tell us about the reception:
Tell us about the reception:

One of the biggest surprises we faced with regards to catering was my husband’s aversion to cake. This proved to be a challenge when we booked Café Oley, which serves traditional Filipino cuisine and has an artisanal bakery on site. The owner’s face fell when Iñigo revealed his dislike for cake, but we managed to find a compromise in the form of a three-tiered cheesecake adorned with Lego minifigures of Alice and Luke Skywalker (a nod to my husband’s fandom!).

As he pointed out, after all, cheesecake is essentially pie – not cake. To set the mood, we created a Spotify playlist titled ‘White Rabbit Wedding’ curated by a friend, which played throughout the reception. I walked down the aisle to Tracey Thorn’s ‘Here It Comes Again.’The atmosphere was warm and intimate, with only close family members and friends in attendance.

We asked our guests to dress in smart casual attire with varying shades of blue as a nod to the whimsical nature of our celebration. Many of our female guests wore fascinators on their heads, paying homage to the Mad Tea Party. The venue took care of the flowers – an array of hydrangeas in blues and purples – and each table featured a small cake, figures from my Wonderland collection, and decorative touches.

As our invitation promised, ‘expandable waistlines are welcome as it will be an eating party,’ and that’s exactly what we had. The food was exceptional, the drinks flowed freely, and our guests celebrated with us, happy to toast the newlyweds. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

What was the most important lesson you learned from your wedding?

What was the most important lesson you learned from your wedding?
What was the most important lesson you learned from your wedding?
What was the most important lesson you learned from your wedding?
What was the most important lesson you learned from your wedding?

As we embarked on wedding planning in late March 2019, our initial goal was to tie the knot on September 7th, our anniversary. However, unforeseen circumstances forced us to reschedule for November 16th. This adjustment prompted a realization that even seemingly minor details, such as ordering custom tote bags and tea from Marks & Spenser, required meticulous scheduling. After all, relying solely on suppliers’ availability was not a viable option.

Amidst the chaos of wedding planning and vendor communication, we faced an unprecedented challenge: the deteriorating health of our beloved pet, Ernie. By mid-October, it became apparent that his time with us was drawing to a close. As we navigated this difficult period, we prioritized showering him with love and attention, often sleeping beside him on the floor as he struggled to navigate the stairs.

As grief threatened to overwhelm us, my fiancé and I agreed that canceling our wedding would be a disservice to Ernie’s memory and our relationship. Instead, we chose to acknowledge the inevitability of life’s challenges by preparing ourselves for what lay ahead. In doing so, we found solace in celebrating the aspects of married life that often go unaddressed – namely, heartbreak, grief, and hope.

By facing these emotions together, we demonstrated our readiness to weather any storm that may come our way. To commemorate our beloved pets, Ernie and Himas, we commissioned custom rings featuring their portraits, along with the latitude and longitude of our apartment inscribed inside. This unique touch served as a poignant reminder of the love and resilience that defines us.


The event’s aesthetic was brought to life by a talented team of creatives. At the helm were hairstylist Gab Lopez and makeup artist Hair, whose work helped the groom and his wedding party look their absolute best. The venue, catering, flowers, and décor were all expertly handled by Café Oley, ensuring that every aspect of the celebration was nothing short of exceptional. The groom’s suit was a stylish choice from JE&Co.

, while the flower girl’s dress was designed by Sewmate Fabrics and fit for a princess. Invitations to the big day were thoughtfully crafted by Gamo Tuano, setting the tone for what would be an unforgettable experience.



Couldn’t afford it, don’t regret it: why I skipped wedding photography

In our region, the going rate for an average wedding photographer is around $1500, while a high-calibre professional charges closer to $3000. A photography student from a nearby university can offer their services for approximately $800. When presented with this range of options, the choice became clear. We’re not naive to the value and skill required in photography; it’s just that, for us, it hasn’t been a priority we’ve historically made time or budget for.

The decision ultimately came down to balancing our wedding aspirations with our financial constraints.

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