Masked Romance: A Quirky Masquerade-Themed Engagement Story In The Rain

Masked romance: a quirky masquerade-themed engagement story in the rain

Photos by Sabrina Jean Wilson. The winter engagement photos of Ed, a tattoo artist and owner of a Tucson, Arizona tattoo shop, and Emily, a model, hairdresser, and makeup artist, have captured the hearts of many. But for me, my own fairytale-like proposal was more extraordinary. Growing up, I was never the damsel in distress, waiting to be rescued by Prince Charming. Instead, I’m a strong-willed individual who’s always been driven to take control of my life.

Yet, 20 years later, fate had other plans. With the guidance of my own fairy godmother, I found myself at a magical masquerade ball, feeling like a princess in her dream gown. It was just after midnight when my Prince Charming appeared, pouring out his heart and sealing our love with a kiss and a sparkling sapphire ring. It’s a real-life fairytale that still takes my breath away. And here’s the story of how it all played out…

The invitation

The invitation

I’ve taken my group of teenagers to the annual Spring Magnolia Ball for several years now, and each time I’ve had to secure permission from the organizers to bring a special guest – my boyfriend Scott. What he didn’t know was that I’d invited him along because I wanted to share this special experience with him. As it turns out, Scott is well-versed in my love language; he knows that when I’m dancing, I’m at my happiest.

So, he decided to take matters into his own hands and make the evening even more unforgettable – by proposing to me amidst the grandeur of the ball.

The fairy godmother

The fairy godmother
The fairy godmother
The fairy godmother

With his analytical mind and keen eye for detail, Scott proved himself to be an unlikely but effective fashion consultant when I sought his help in selecting an outfit to match my mask. His solution? A whirlwind morning shopping trip with Whitley Hamlin of The Queen City Style, who guided us through a treasure trove of antique malls, upscale boutiques, and costume shops, carefully piecing together the perfect ensemble piece by piece.

The experience was nothing short of unforgettable, and I’m confident that the memories will linger for years to come.

The ensemble

The ensemble
The ensemble

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The ensemble

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The ensemble

This elaborate costume features a handcrafted leather mask, carefully acquired from artisans at the Carolina Renaissance Festival outside of Charlotte. While the mask takes center stage, other components were meticulously crafted by myself – including the underskirt, hair ornaments, and purse. The blouse, overskirt, and belt, on the other hand, were discovered in partnership with Whitley at K. K. Bloom in Charlotte.

To complete the look, we also sourced shoes from Broadway Shoes, while a stunning Erte-esque teal velvet shrug was snagged for a steal under $5 at Varnadore Costumes, also located in Charlotte.

The ball

The ball

The experience was nothing short of enchanting. The sheer excitement was palpable as we revelled in the whirlwind of food, photography, music, and unbridled joy that filled the air. As the night wore on, the energy remained electric, with teenagers laughing and sharing secrets until eventually, parents were summoned to collect their offspring and the girls were sent home to dream about the evening’s festivities.

It wasn’t until then, in a rare moment of solitude, did Scott and I finally get a chance to savor our own private connection.

The proposal

The proposal
The proposal
The proposal
The proposal

Scott’s proposal was a masterclass in emotional intimacy. His words still linger vividly in my mind, as if I could recall them word for word. To convey the essence of his heartfelt plea, let me distill it to its most poignant moments. He began by recounting the various scenarios he’d planned for the perfect proposal, each one foiled in its turn.

This self-deprecating humor only served to underscore the sincerity behind his words as he extolled the very qualities that I treasured about him – traits that had long been mocked by others. With remarkable specificity, he itemized my quirks, celebrating what made me uniquely yours. The speech culminated in a declaration of devotion: ‘I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?’ My resounding ‘yes’ was all it took to seal our fate.

In a gesture that felt almost like an afterthought, Scott then presented me with a stunning Montana sapphire ring – a gemstone that defies categorization, oscillating between purple, indigo, blue, smoky, and teal hues depending on the light. At its heart beats a warm, dusty rose that seems to pulse with an inner life of its own.

The surprise… or lack thereof

The surprise… or lack thereof
The surprise… or lack thereof

Scott’s otherwise flawless proposal planning was marred by a single misstep: he neglected to consider the specific details of his proposal plans when discussing them with me a month prior. As we reviewed an email thread from his parents, I stumbled upon his earlier responses that outlined the when and where of the big ask. My curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn’t help but read ahead, much to Scott’s dismay.

In reality, knowing the proposal date in advance was a relief – it allowed me to avoid the rollercoaster of anticipation and disappointment that often accompanies the waiting game. As someone who’s been there, done that, I can only imagine how difficult it must be for almost-engaged couples to cope with the suspense.

Rather than letting it get to me, I seized the opportunity to make the most of the situation – I booked a photographer friend to capture the day after the ball, where we would don masks and tuxedos, respectively. While an engagement photo shoot wasn’t initially on my radar, the circumstances conspired in our favor, making it a fun and memorable experience.

The shoot

The shoot
The shoot

As we prepared for the photo shoot, I was in the middle of reconstructing my elaborate hairstyle when the photographer called to share an unexpected update – it was raining! Initially, she thought we’d want to cancel the outdoor shoot in the park where the masquerade had taken place. But we were determined to make the most of our celebration and quickly assured her that we were game for a new plan.

The next hour flew by as we laughed, posed, and played with props, all under the gentle rhythm of raindrops. In many ways, this impromptu indoor shoot was just as delightful as the night before, and it allowed us to create a lasting record of our magical memories. Looking back, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.


The visual elements that brought this outfit to life were a collaborative effort between multiple talented individuals. Sabrina Jean Wilson is credited with providing the photo, while Fairy Godmother: The Queen City Style lent their expertise as the stylist. The mask worn by the model was designed and crafted by the Carolina Renaissance Festival, adding an air of mystery to the overall look. The blouse, overskirt, and belt were created by K. K.

Bloom, with the blouse and skirt being a joint effort between Lavender Brown and K. K. Bloom, and the belt provided by Ada Collection. To complete the ensemble, Broadway Shoes in Charlotte, NC, supplied the shoes. A touch of elegance was added by Varnadore Costumes’ velvet shrug, while a beautiful ring was provided by Greenlake Jewelers.

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