You May Need Safety Goggles To Take In The Awesomeness Of These Science-Themed Wedding Invitations

You may need safety goggles to take in the awesomeness of these science-themed wedding invitations

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Step aside for a moment and behold the Tesla-themed wedding invitation suite from Athena and Aphrodite. This extraordinary design is inspired by Nikola Tesla’s original patents and features a font crafted from his own handwriting. It’s a true masterpiece that will leave you mesmerized. But what makes it even more remarkable is that the mastermind behind this creation, Amanda at Athena and Aphrodite, has a unique blend of artistic and scientific expertise.

Her background includes two degrees from MIT, where she honed her skills as an artist-engineer. This fusion of creativity and intellect is evident in all her designs, which draw inspiration from sources like Galileo’s sketches, polarized photos of sugar crystals, and spherical harmonic equations. The result is a collection of breathtakingly beautiful wedding invitations that are not only visually stunning but also offer a fascinating mini science lesson with each click.

Experience the magic for yourself…



The Atomic suite is a unique feature that showcases the versatility of atomic models by presenting them in a creative way. It displays the atomic models of various chemical elements, along with their corresponding names and special dates, such as wedding anniversaries. This feature not only highlights the atomic structure of each element but also adds a personal touch by incorporating meaningful dates.



The Concentric wedding invitation suite boasts a unique blend of artistry and innovation, showcasing intricate geometric designs crafted using a 17th-century mechanical drawing machine – an ancestor of sorts to modern-day Spirographs. This retro-inspired approach adds a touch of vintage charm to the overall design, making it truly one-of-a-kind.



In a modern twist on traditional wedding invitations, couples are now opting for digital invites that seamlessly merge technology and love. One unique example is the use of printed circuit board patterns based on real electronics to display the wedding date in binary code, giving guests a sneak peek into the couple’s shared passion for innovation and creativity.

Cross Section

Cross Section

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has graciously provided a wealth of information on the geology of the Williamsville, Virginia area through its publication of detailed geologic cross-sections. These cross-sections offer a unique glimpse into the region’s underlying geological structure, providing valuable insights for researchers and enthusiasts alike.



I delved into the fascinating field of selenography, which is dedicated to understanding the lunar surface. This design was informed by meticulous research into NASA and US Geological Survey maps detailing the Moon’s geological makeup.

Neural Chemical

Neural Chemical

Inspired by the complex chemical processes that occur within us during moments of romantic connection, the designs on Neural Chemical’s invitations pay homage to the intricate structures of chemicals released during experiences of lust, attraction, and long-term attachment.



Malachite’s mesmerizing beauty is showcased in this stunning design, where its vibrant coloring and unique banding patterns take center stage. The intricate details of this natural treasure are a true marvel, making it a standout piece that commands attention.



Step into the world of horology, where time-honored traditions meet precise craftsmanship. The featured illustrations hail from a comprehensive 1765 French encyclopedia, shedding light on the intricate art of clock- and watch-making during the 18th century. As we delve into this bygone era, let’s marvel at the meticulous attention to detail and the ingenious innovations that defined the horological landscape.



The intricate designs featured in this suite of wedding invitations have an unexpected origin – bubble chamber photographs. It’s fascinating to learn that charged particles leaving tiny trails of bubbles as they move through the chamber can be captured on camera. Without taking a closer look, I wouldn’t have discovered this unique process. And what’s even more captivating is the romantic aspect of science! But let’s get to the best part – discounted prices!

When you enter the code OFFBEAT10 at checkout, you’ll receive 10% off any purchase of $100 or more. The science-inspired wedding invitations don’t stop here, though. There are many more stunning designs waiting to be discovered, such as Oology and Palynology. If you’re curious about these terms, take a moment to learn more in the most visually appealing way possible.

Then, treat your guests to a beautiful scientific experience by sending them one of these gorgeous science-themed wedding invitations.

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